5 Best Book Series for Reluctant Readers

But as they began to get older and more independent, I was finally forced to accept that my kids just aren’t big readers. At least not yet! I’m still holding out hope that this will be the year a reading spark is kindled in them. But until that day comes, I have to put a lot of thought and hard work into finding just the right books that match their personalities, preferences, and attention spans if there’s any hope of them cracking a book for more than a couple of minutes at a time. 

Over the last few years, I’ve found several books for my reluctant readers, and even series, that they’re excited to read, and do so willingly. Now that school and mandatory independent reading time has started again, we’ll be revisiting some of these old favorites and hopefully adding to this list as we go. If you have a reluctant reader, be sure to check out these titles from your local library or add to your online shopping cart.