Free(ish) Things For Moms To Do

School is back in session which means some of us stay-at-home moms have a little extra time on our hands. Once we get caught up on all the housework that we let slide over the summer (cleaning the house with kids in it is like trying to bathe a rabid raccoon), what’s next? I’ve come up with a list of free(ish) things for moms to do while the kids are in school. Check them out, try a few, and let me know what other things to add to this list.

  1. Join a Bible Study - If you’re like me, you may have let quiet time and Bible study slip over the summer as well. Now that the kids are back in a solid routine, it’s the perfect time to find and join a Bible study. This fall, I’m again joining BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). If BSF isn’t your cup of tea, there are many churches in the area with weekly women’s Bible studies, many with childcare for infants-preschoolers!

  2. Volunteer - This makes me sound selfish, but knowing I’m being helpful to others makes me feel good; it’s a natural pick-me-up for me. So if you find yourself with some time on your hands, find a local organization to spend some time with in a voluntary capacity. Check out my list of local non-profit organizations that would love to have your help.

  3. Podcast + Declutter - I’ll probably get a lot of side eye for this statement, but I love to declutter. I once had an interior decorator come over to give her opinion on a few things and she assumed we had lived in our home for less than a year— we’d actually lived there 8 years. That’s how serious I am about minimalism. So one of my favorite things to do is pop on a podcast and get to business cleaning out drawers, closets, and cabinets. Check out my list of top 10 podcasts for listening inspiration.

  4. Yoga - There are so many good (and free) yoga videos online these days, especially on YouTube and Amazon. Clear some space in front of the TV, find your favorite flow, and get in some good stretches. I find this can only be done at home when the kids are in school, otherwise I’m just a human jungle gym. You could always just take a nap, too.

  5. Teach Yourself Something New - Before I started my blog, I knew absolutely nothing about web design. I still don’t really know much about design because I use a template program that does a ton of stuff for me, but I’ve still learned so much. So think of something you’ve always wanted to learn- hand lettering, painting, sewing, etc.- and teach yourself to do it. It’s been very satisfying and cathartic for me.

  6. Coffee Shops - I love to go to coffee shops (local rather than chains) and just sit. I always take my laptop and/or a good book, but I usually end up doing more people watching than reading or writing. Something about it is very comforting and relaxing to me. If you’re in the Frisco area, we have some local coffee shop gems for you to try: The Book Shoppe & Coffee, Summer Moon, Nerdvana, and Global Peace, among others.

  7. Join a Book Club - Or start your own book club! Find a handful of friends or acquaintances, pick a book to read, and set a date to get together to discuss it. In my experience, most book clubs are actually code for social hour, and I’m here for it. We were created to crave community and belonging, and getting together with friends fits that need perfectly, whether you discuss literature or not.

  8. Create Photo Books - You know those 5,000 photos trapped on your phone? Do yourself a favor and turn them into gorgeous photo books! Books with actual pages with actual printed pictures on them so real people can actually see them. It takes a bit of time, but I never regret doing this. And the extra storage space on my phone comes in handy, too. Companies like Shutterfly, Mixbook, and Snapfish often run really good deals to get these books printed.

  9. Meal Plan - I’ll get some side eye for this one, too. But it has to be done! And with online grocery shopping and pick up, it’s never been easier. I like to sit at my computer with my favorite cookbooks and get to shopping, creating our meal plan for the week. It sure beats fielding a million questions coming at my face non-stop while I’m trying to create a meal plan on the fly in the aisles with my kids.

  10. Return All the Things (This one will actually make you some money!) - It’s time, ladies. It’s time to return that big pile of miscellaneous, ill-fitting clothing, shoes, and home decor items that are taking over your closet. Gather it up, organize your receipts, and make a day of it. And if you happen to find something cute to exchange an item for, that’s still a win.